April, 2024 Newsletter (No 482)

I don’t think it’s too much of an exaggeration to suggest that this was the total distance I covered when trying to find strategic viewing points along the London Marathon route in order to cheer on my TAC colleagues earlier this month. At least that’s how it felt as I had to endure 12 train changes (bloody DLR), congested and bustling crowds and a bitter wind as I tried to navigate my way around the course with my elderly sister in tow (she is 6 years younger than me but she’s still elderly). If I ever again decide to travel up to London for the marathon I will do so to as a runner which I’m sure will be much easier than spectating. However, on the positive side, my London Travel Card (£13 with my Senior Rail Card) is excellent value for money which, as a Scotsman, is very important to me.

Someone else who experienced the bumps and bruises associated with London Marathon spectating is Sharon Matthews who admits to using sharp elbows to navigate her way through the crowds. You can learn of Sharon’s adventure in these pages. Of course, sharp elbows can often lead to cracked ribs which is something that Darren Marshall knows all about and you can read about Darren’s London Marathon challenges also in these pages.

Of course, there was another marathon taking place this month on the south coast and you can read about Sarah Doyle’s experience as she dashed her way speedily through the streets and coastal roads of Brighton.

The TAC ladies did our club proud this month in the Hogsmill 5 and the race has been expertly described in Sharon Matthews’s excellent report.

We also give you this month the results of the first race in the 2024 TAC Summer Handicap series.

All the above together with the usual training, results and diary features and some race recommendations.



We are delighted to welcome the following new members who have joined the club this month:

Alistair Bloore
Evie Boxall
Patrick Doyle
Megan Largier
Daniel Linney

We look forward to meeting them all at future club events.

Saturday, 18th May, 2024

On Saturday 18th May, the annual Dick Clark Murder Mile will take place. For those of you who have not taken part before, it involves a murderous sprint/run/jog from the bottom to the top of Box Hill. The event is held in the memory of former Taddie, Dick Clark who is sadly no longer with us and our host on the day is Dick’s daughter, Sarah Bell. The reward for all this hard work is a free breakfast, courtesy of TAC, at the end. 

We will meet at Ryka’s Cafe on the A24 (RH5 6BY) at 10am, where we will take your breakfast orders and then the race will start at 10.30am. 

For reasons too complicated to explain no club shirts should be worn. 

If you have are unable to take part but are able to help with a bit of marshalling, this would be much appreciated. Any questions, please email sarahjanebell101@gmail.com 

Sunday, 7th April, 2024

There is something very optimistic and consoling about a spring marathon. You spend the winter months slogging through dark, cold training sessions. You’re running the gauntlet of winter bugs, injury and, well, just life. All to emerge, resplendent into the new shoots and sunshine of marathon day. 

Brighton this year was a perfect example of this. The sun was shining for what felt like the first time in 100 years, the trees and bushes had fluorescent green buds… and Preston Park was awash with hopeful runners all gearing up to conquer their own demons and run 26.2 miles. There was definitely a fairytale feel in the air.

For me, this marathon was a chance to get vindication. To face down the demons of a DNF last year. But mostly, to finish the race on foot, rather than in tears in an Uber. In the words of Liam Neeson in Batman Begins, this year I was ‘back to finish the job.’ So, after three days of excessive sugar consumption, a lot of questioning of my life choices and a few sleepless nights, I was ready to go. I was fully carb-loaded, calorifically committed and counting down to that gun going off. I had lovely Laura Palmer with me, who was there to support, having had to pull out due to injury. She even queued up with me THREE times to use the portaloos. That is a true friend.

When the gun did go off – trigger pulled by the Queen herself, Paula Radcliffe no less! –  my main focus was to rein in the pace for the first 10k and avoid my usual pitfall of setting off like a bat out of hell, only to face deep regret around Mile 18. The course in Brighton kind of helps you out with this, as there are hills aplenty in that first quarter. You’d really have to be in turbo-mode to set off too fast. It’s a strange time, that first bit of a marathon, especially if you’ve run one before. You know things are good right now, you’re smiling, waving and hitting the Power Up buttons. But there’s a niggling thought at the back of your mind that despite the sunshine, things are going to get dark. The storm clouds of Hove are on the horizon and you know you’ll be paying them a visit before the day is done.

Having put that thought to the back of my mind (I’ll deal with you later), we ran down to the seafront and turned left towards Roedean School. Now, this may be a bit controversial, but I believe this bit is mentally the toughest part, especially in Brighton. You are heading along the seafront on one long, ‘gently undulating’ road, which you have to run up and down. On the other side of the road are all the runners coming back into Brighton, having just passed half way. It is both inspiring – look how fast they are! – and soul-destroying – look how fast they are! – to see the elites cruising past. You are also completely exposed to the elements, which were direct sunshine and a lot of gusty wind in this case. You can see just how far you’ve got to go before you can even turn around and start coming back. It took a lot of mental effort to hold my mind together and not let thoughts spiral. Just focus on this mile. Tick it off. Next mile. And so on. Once I hit half way in just under 2hrs, I was already exhausted from the effort and quickly worked out that if I wanted to get in under 4hrs, I’d have to maintain my pace and run even splits, a feat I had never achieved before. A daunting prospect.

Back into Brighton, and I saw Laura twice, which was a massive morale boost. I almost stopped to give her a hug, but then figured she would absolutely not approve of squandering valuable seconds in this way, so a quick high five and on I went. Now, I hadn’t realised but there was another new addition to the course from miles 15-17, where once again you have the opportunity to run in the wrong direction, facing all the runners coming back, knowing you will have to do that too. Hurrah! Well, surely this would mean less time spent in the industrial wasteland around Mile 25 and that can only be a good thing?! 

Soon enough, I had got through that bit and was coming up to my nemesis: Hove. The turn into Hove is fairly auspicious as it is – yep! You guessed it! – another opportunity to see a long road that you have to run up and down. By this point, the runners on the return were hitting Mile 23, so had the look of apocalypse survivors. I think, for me, the term ‘going to Hove’ will now forever by synonymous with ‘going through hell’. For example: I have so much work to do, I’ll be ‘going to Hove’ to get it all done. It might be my submission to the 2024 Oxford English Dictionary. 

The road into Hove is very slightly uphill, so you are running towards a sea of people, with no clear turn back in sight. This can be incredibly demoralising, especially as for most runners who have trained up to 20 miles, you are entering into unknown territory: miles 20-26. My son, Michael, had had some sage advice for this part: just keep swimming (a direct quote from Finding Nemo) and as I ran past the spot where I had had to pull out last year through injury, I thought: right. Demons laid. Now I just have to keep running.

I mentally upended my toolkit of tactics in order to survive this bit. I no longer gave a fig what my finish time was; It was all about getting to the end. Because I had set off with the 4hr group and was still roughly on track, I started passing the people who had set off too fast (me, in all previous marathons) and this was quite a good game. My other son, Daniel, calls this ‘taking souls’. I don’t really know what it says about me as a person, but catching up and overtaking people who had started walking was a really effective strategy at this point. I was also finding the increasingly drunk crowds (it was the first sunny day of the year) quite annoying. ‘You got this!” started sounding like a jeer rather than encouragement. As I said, I was learning a lot about my true self. My true self, who wanted to ‘take souls’ and punch supporters in the face.

The last bit round the industrial estate was, as I had hoped, mercifully short. I don’t really remember much of it, other than Basement Jaxx “Where’s Your Head At?” coming on my playlist and making me wonder where my head actually is. It certainly didn’t feel like it was attached to my body anymore.

I saw Laura one last time as I turned back along the seafront for the final stretch. As an aside, I would just like to note that Laura, in true Palmer style, had taken spectating to a competitive level. She managed to spot me EIGHT TIMES, without even using an app. She did it old skool, using only the power of her mind to anticipate where I was going to be. She then popped up, like a magicial unicorn, when I most needed my flagging spirits lifted. I am hugely grateful for this.

When, at last I crossed the finish line, I was elated. Not least because Paula Radcliffe herself gave me my medal. A total fangirl moment. I was riding high on a potent mix of carb gels, caffeine and sheer joy. I did finish the job. I came in at 4:01, which I was delighted with (no Ubers involved!). I had faced down my own personal demons and won. Which, I believe, is what running a marathon is really all about.

This year’s London Marathon was an experience I’ll never forget, and not necessarily for the reasons I’d hoped! Winning the club raffle for the coveted TCS London Marathon place back at Christmas filled me with excitement.  Training throughout the winter was a real test.  New year, new job, and the worst  British weather in years –  cold, wet, and windy – constantly threatened to derail my runs.

But I persevered!  Despite the challenges, I averaged over 40 miles a week, putting in more training hours than ever before.  The dedication paid off – I saw consistent improvement in my training runs, culminating in a personal best at the Hampton Court Half Marathon.  However, a niggling hamstring and knee injury lurked throughout, casting doubt on whether I’d even reach the starting line.  Thankfully, with countless physio appointments (and a fair few needles!), I managed to get myself race-ready.

Then, just two days before the marathon, disaster struck.  A clumsy accident at work resulted in fractured ribs!  Devastated but determined not to let it all go to waste after months of training, I decided to race anyway.

Race day arrived, and the pre-race jitters were amplified by a new layer of anxiety – the throbbing pain in my ribs.  As I settled into the yellow starting zone, doubt gnawed at me.  Would my body hold up?  How much would the injury impact my performance? And then there was the weather.  The day had dawned blustery, and the wind whipped around the starting area, tugging at my running gear and sending a shiver down my spine. It was a constant reminder that the conditions wouldn’t be ideal, adding another element of challenge to an already daunting day.

The answer came swiftly – not well!  Discomfort set in almost immediately, and by mile eight, I was clinging on for dear life.  Numerous photos captured my grimace, a stark contrast to the usual joy running brings me. This was, without a doubt, the most physically demanding challenge I’ve ever faced.

Despite the pain, I dug deep, fuelled by the memory of my past marathons and the unwavering support of the spectators.  Just before the halfway point, however, my body began to rebel.  But experience kicked in, and I found a way to limp and shuffle my way to the finish.  The finish line brought a wave of relief, mixed with a touch of “never again!”  However, as the post-race adrenaline subsided, a familiar feeling emerged – the urge to get back out there and run again.  So, to answer the question lingering in my head – yes, I will be running again!  The love for the sport is too strong to ignore.

This race may not have been the dream London Marathon I envisioned, but it was a powerful reminder of resilience and the importance of never giving up, even in the face of adversity.  Onwards and upwards to the next challenge!

…and to add insult to injury, having stubbornly abstained from alcohol all year, the only post-race refreshment stand with a queue short enough to contemplate was hawking some suspiciously neon-coloured peach-flavoured beer.  This concoction, dreamed up by some marketing whiz with dreams of grandeur and a complete disregard for taste buds, did little to soothe my battered body or bruised ego.

A huge congratulations must also go to my fellow Taccies who all ran fantastic races.

Firstly, Ian Matthews who finally broke the 3 hour marathon mark. He has trained so well all year and after missing out by a matter of seconds previously managed to comfortably run in under the coveted time.

This, with all my struggles, was in fact a PB for me. Taking over 4 minutes off my previous best.  

POC had a solid race as per usual but still couldn’t get to the pub quick enough to secure a table for us all! 

Simon Booth ran a superb race. Landing a very respectable time. After all the injuries he has had over the past few years it is great to see him back running and running so well.

A mention must not go amiss for Dave Williamson who seems to be dealing with his own love-hate relationship with running, again putting in a fantastic run time.

A big shout out must also go to Tony Caldwell, who finished with a very respectable time and a strong placing in his age category.

Laura Palmer, who mustered up a fantastic sprint finish to grab hold of yet another good for age time. 

And finally, a massive congratulations to Donna Dove on completing her super first marathon! Not only an incredible achievement, but a fantastic effort for the charities she was running for.  Raising over £5000, split between Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) and The Royal Marsden.

Well done to all the Taccies. In all a great race day out.

Cheers to the TCS London Marathon class of 2024. 

It was 6.00am in the Matthews household on Sunday 21st April, and everyone was up. Residents, cats, blow up kangaroos (more later!) and visitors alike were raring to go for this eagerly anticipated date in the calendar.  The London Marathon. Now I don’t want to detract from the superb achievements of the London Marathon participants; you are all superstars as far as I’m concerned for the dedication and time you put into running this event. But to be a spectator takes grit and determination too!

For a small and select group of TAC ladies (Jane Munn, Mary Harte-Jones and myself) plus a Sowerby Bridge Snail, Jacqui Roberts, the preparations started several weeks earlier.  I produced a spreadsheet that Brian would have been proud of, showing the start times and anticipated mileage times for each of the runners we were supporting and their predicted times at different waypoints. This in itself was no mean feat, as people’s start times ranged from 10am – 11.15 and they were running times of between 3 and 6 hours! We were in for a very long day!

Not to be deterred by news that there were no trains running from Epsom that day due to engineering works, we jumped on the bus to Morden with the intention of meeting Jane there. Except her bus ground to a halt mid journey so we had to press on alone.  She eventually caught up with us at Charlton, 4.5 miles into the course, where we managed to see Simon Booth, Dave Williamson and Ian, but spectacularly failed to see any of the other runners we were supporting. Then it was back on the train to head to mile 14ish and Mile 21ish at Westferry. The transport planner at this stage was a bit vague, and we only just arrived in time to see Ian and Dave, with Darren a short while later.  Spectating here was a bit challenging owing to the sheer volume of people. Little did they know how sharp TAC elbows are when we are on a mission to see runners and we were armed and dangerous with both an inflatable kangaroo on a stick (dressed in TAC kit) and a silver unicorn! We hung around those spots for the next FOUR hours, longer than the time it took many of our runners to run it! We alternated between mile 14ish and Mile 21ish, and managed to see most, but  not all, of our other runners. Donna wins the prize for the happiest runner we saw at both 14 and 21 miles and Dave for the most focused, as he failed to even hear us at mile 21.  We never did spot Laura sadly, even though on several occasions she must have run right by us, and several Sowerby Snails also escaped our notice. Thankfully Jane had biscuits to dish out.  This helped to stave off the biting cold that set in, and distracted us from the fact that the queue for the Premier Inn toilet (the only toilet open that day in the whole of East London it seemed!) was at least half an hour long! By the time all runners had passed, there was no chance of getting a train back to join the TAC team in the Red Lion as the queues were round the block, so some more brain gym ensued while we figured out the best way of walking/running to an alternative station instead. We had absolutely earned our glass of wine and were not going to fall at this last hurdle.

So here are my top tips for future marathon supporting:

  • Expect to not go to the toilet for 7 hours!
  • Don’t rely on the DLR to get you out of East London.
  • Insist that all runners send you a photo of what they are wearing before they set off, if not in TAC colours.  Not foolproof, but easier than searching for needles in haystacks!
  • However many layers of clothes you think you need, double that and and add a hat and gloves for good measure!
  • Uber is your friend when you get back to Morden, and the thought of getting back on the 293 bus to get home makes you want to weep.

Are we pleased we did it? Absolutely! We are do proud of all of you who ran! Same time next year, ladies?!

Sunday, 28th April, 2024

This year, I finally managed to run the Hogsmill 5 ladies’ race for the first time, organised by the Epsom Allsorts and now in its 35th year. I’ve never participated in a 5 mile race before, but it turned out to be a distance I really enjoyed. The route was a great mix of road, trail and grass running with a few additional “water features “ thrown in for good measure after the recent downpours. The course is pretty flat, and the only complications were caused by the rain. Before the event, there were also children’s races for different age groups, which you could sign up for on the day.

Despite the inclement weather, TAC fielded a strong team consisting of Laura Palmer, Leyla Ostovar, Alison Plant, Meg Francis, Mary Matthews, and Sarah and Evie  Doyle.

 The race had a strong charity focus: Epsom and Ewell Food Bank were there so participants could make food donations (this was well publicised in advance) and the Allsorts had a fantastic cake and coffee sale afterwards,  with proceeds going to the charity.  Because of the conditions,  the marshalling wasn’t straightforward,  but the team remained friendly and efficient throughout. Thank you so much to Ian Matthews, Alan Matthews and Susanna Spiers for their on course support too, and to Louise Acher, whose business sponsored it.  So if  you are a woman who has yet to try out taking part in a race for the first time, I would highly recommend this one!

TAC Ladies Placings & Times

#1 Langley Vale: Tuesday, 30th April

Our 2024 series started on Tuesday and what an event it was. We had 44 runners which was only one less than our 2021 mid-lockdown event when we were in rather different circumstances and everyone was pleased to get out of the house for exercise and some social interaction. This Tuesday was an excellent chance for us to see that the club has so many active runners plus a few less active supporters. Phil and Heather take the handicapping very seriously; we are indebted to them for producing a list of 87 handicaps so everyone could be started off in the correct reverse handicap order.

Jim set off early to walk the course and he probably had a peaceful time for 30 minutes before the runners started streaming past. Mabel had improved a remarkable amount since the last time she was here so the 3.5 minutes improvement saw her finish first.

Mabel collecting 1st prize

Darren was another big improver and came storming home for second. There was a steady stream of runners after this with half of the club finishing in  a two minute period. I hope everyone enjoyed the race.

We had our customary prizes to give everyone an incentive to try harder next time (!) and then we went off to the Derby Arms where the landlord welcomed us and he had a very pleasant boost to his Tuesday night drink sales! 

Two tables are attached. The first has the race results. We had so many runners I gave 50 points to the first finisher so there will be some big numbers possible this year over the series. The second table shows the results with PB times for all runners doing this handicap over the last 7 years. It’s amazing to see that over one hundred different TAC members have been involved over this time. Let’s hope we get similar good turnouts for the next events. 

There are only 2 weeks to go to the next event in Ashtead on 14th May. This course is the longest distance at 3.95 miles / 6.35 km but it is flat. Afterwards we go to  the Woodman to rehydrate. More details will be given nearer the time but make a note in your diaries now!


3.46 miles / 5.60 km;          246 ft / 75 mFinish timeH’cap 2024Race timePositionPointsStrava
Mabel Parnell0:30:530:00:000:30:53150
Darren Marshall0:31:230:09:000:22:232490:22:24
Garry Edwards0:32:330:06:300:26:033480:25:55
Henry Edwards0:32:330:06:300:26:03447
Ellen Collins0:32:450:06:300:26:15546
Simon Booth0:32:500:09:300:23:20645
Eamon Matthews0:33:030:09:000:24:037440:24:05
Andy Ward0:33:090:12:000:21:09843
Ross Stott (G)0:33:230:11:000:22:239G
John Pickup0:33:360:08:000:25:361042
Alastair Bloore0:33:390:11:300:22:091141
Ian Matthews0:33:420:10:300:23:1212400:23:12
Brian Hunton0:33:460:07:300:26:1613390:26:20
Akshay Kumar0:33:540:09:000:24:5414380:27:41
Liam Hopkins0:34:000:06:300:27:301537
Rugile Zukaite0:34:010:03:000:31:011636
Nick Billing0:34:050:05:000:29:0517350:29:07
Dave Williamson0:34:090:09:300:24:391834
Jake George0:34:110:12:300:21:411933
Mark Lowther0:34:140:07:300:26:4420320:26:35
Dickon Parnell0:34:310:09:000:25:312131
Steve Hill0:34:370:05:300:29:072230
Izzy Rand0:34:390:02:000:32:3923290:32:43
Sarah Farnell Ward0:34:450:03:300:31:152428
Mark Todd0:34:550:08:300:26:252527
Mark Oliver0:34:590:05:000:29:592626
Leyla Ostovar0:35:200:04:300:30:502725
Kathleen Muller0:35:320:05:300:30:022824
Sam Fountain0:35:460:04:300:31:162923
Peter Rand0:35:530:04:300:31:233022
Katie Imeson0:35:580:03:000:32:5831210:32:58
Laura Law0:36:010:03:300:32:313220
Phil Stevens0:36:020:07:300:28:3233190:28:25
Alison Plant0:36:060:05:300:30:363418
Meg Francis0:36:220:05:300:30:523517
James McClintock0:37:050:12:000:25:053616
Clive Appleby (G)0:37:160:05:000:32:1637G
Mary Harte-Jones0:37:440:00:000:37:443815
Tanya Segrott0:37:470:00:000:37:473914
Jim Duffy0:38:24(00:15:30)0:53:5440130:53:52
Donna Dove0:39:160:02:000:37:164112
Jane Munn0:39:200:04:300:34:5042110:35:22
Sterling Parnell0:40:540:04:300:36:244310
Susanna Speirs0:41:180:05:300:35:484490:35:16



3.46 miles / 5.60 km ; 246 ft / 75 m2017201820192021202220232024
Julia Cassidy


Stephen Robinson

Beccy Willis


Mary Harte-Jones

Liz Clark


Amy van Wyk

Sterling Parnell

Carolyn Schnell

Gabriella Todd 

Jonathan Anstee0:34:330:37:16

Beth Homewood


Sharon Matthews


Rachel Corrigan0:34:11

Jen Burke0:33:46

Donna Dove

Mary Matthews

Louis Hempenstall

Kate Kinrade

Michael Kilkenny


Izzy Rand

Therese Panetta

Laura Law

Graham Hockings


Alan Matthews

Clive Appleby (G)

Paul Waller

Steve Hutton

Jim Duffy


Sarah Farnell Ward

Rugile Zukaite

Mabel Parnell

Meg Francis

Leyla Ostovar

Steve Burke


Alison Plant

Lisa Duffy (G)


Kathleen Muller

Tanya Segrott0:33:050:29:560:31:38

Kimberley Jump

Vanessa Anstee0:29:220:30:55

Peter Cattermole


Hezel Magwili


Caz Upson/Halloway0:28:45

Sam Fountain

Jane Munn0:28:29


Arnaud Lelau


Susanna Speirs

Nick Hawthorne

Michael Clark


Nick Billing

Katie Imeson

Pieter Oberholzer

Ingrid Mrazova


Tim Collins


Liam Hopkins

Emily Oliver0:28:240:27:25


Ethan Waller

Paul Schnell

Hazel Imeson0:26:550:28:080:27:590:28:530:30:080:51:49
Peter Rand

Mark Todd

Dave Fisher0:26:20

Ellen Collins

Adam Hempenstall
Steve Hill
Henry Edwards

Roland Hogg

Andrew Morrison


John Pickup

Dickon Parnell

Mark Oliver0:25:380:25:18
Brian Hunton

Laura Palmer

Simon Taylor


Nova Berry

Akshay Kumar

Marcus Bell0:24:50

Owen Fenton

Paul Taylor0:24:28


Stuart Brown0:24:110:24:090:24:56

Eamonn Matthews

Mark Lowther0:24:020:24:430:25:340:25:47
Will Henderson

Marcio Lopez-Ribeiro


James McClintock0:23:390:23:20
Phil Stevens0:24:020:23:58
Ian Matthews

Garry Edwards

James Freeman 

Simon Booth

Ross Stott (G)

Darren Marshall

Alastair Bloore

Dave Freeman


Simon Palmer

Dave Williamson

Jake George

John Melbourne0:21:26

Dan Berry


Andy Ward

Paul O’Callaghan0:20:14
Dave Halloway0:19:42

Total runners20272345323144

We have been requested to advertise the following local races which may be of interest to our members:

Run Wisborough: Sunday, 9th June

I am wondering if you can pass this onto your members please?

Run Wisborough on Sunday 9th June is set in the beautiful village setting of Wisborough Green, RH14 OBN. The race offers 10km & 5km courses which are all chip timed and recognised by UK Athletics. The race also has a children’s colour run which is popular. More details and sign up at www.runwisborough.co.uk.

All money raised goes towards investing in local sports facilties.


Reigate Priory AC Summer Evening 10K: Wednesday, 3rd July

From Moray Carey, Race Director.

I would be grateful if you would share this race announcement with your members, please.

Thank you in anticipation.

Reigate Priory AC cordially invites you to participate in the 30th edition of our multi terrain Summer Evening 10k race.

It takes place at 7.30pm on Wed 3rd July 2024, starting and finishing in Reigate’s picturesque Priory Park.

Standard entry prices are:
• £18 – with UKA Competition Licence
• £20 – without UKA Competition Licence

But your members will automatically receive a £2 early bird discount if they enter online before 19th May 2024!

We’ve also increased the number of team prizes! They’ll now be awarded to the 3 fastest men’s and ladies’ teams (3 to score), instead of just the first, as previously.

Other benefits:
• commemorative wooden medal for all finishers
• prizes for the fastest individuals
• chip timing by Sport Systems
• texted finishing times

You’ll find full race details and entry link at www.summer10k.com

-Paul Walters ( paul@waltersfamily.org )

Sunday, 7th April, 2024

14,308: Akshay Kumar 3.41:42

34,396: Liam Hopkins 4.23:08

628 Chris Bond: 3.18:54

3,699 Sarah Doyle: 4.01:20

53 Simon Palmer: 38:35

70 Ian Matthews: 39:54

106 Will Henderson: 43;04

220 Meg Francis :53:22

264 Gemma Vincent: 57:44

268 Sharon Matthews: 57:53

2,190 Brian Hunton: 1.48:07

Sunday, 21st April, 2024

1,867 Paul O’Callaghan: 2.50:54

2,720 Ian Matthews: 2.56:12

5,417 Dave Williamson: 3.10:48

5,907 Simon Booth: 3.13:15

7,649 Darren Marshall: 3.21:16

15,871 Laura Palmer: 3.47:49

42,254 Donna Dove: 5.22:02

44,651 Tony Caldwell: 5.29:43

Sunday, 28th April, 2024

See race report for placings and times.

May, 2024

Sunday, 5th: Leatherhead Rotary Bluebell 10K. Headley Heath Car Park, KT18 6NN. 10.00am.

Sunday, 12th: Ranelagh Richmond Half Marathon (Club Championship & Surrey Road League).

Rose Of York pub, Petersham Road, Richmond TW10 6UY. 8.30am.

Tuesday, 14th: TAC Summer Handicap #2. Ashtead Common KT21 1NW. 19.15.

Saturday, 18th: The Dick Clark Murder Mile. Rykas Cafe, Box Hill RH5 6BY. 10.00am.

June, 2024

Sunday, 2nd: Dorking 10 (10 mile club championship & Surrey Road League). RH3 7EH. 9.00am

Tuesday, 11th: TAC Summer Handicap #3. Banstead Woods. 7.15pm.               

Sunday, 23rd: Richmond 10K (Surrey Road League. TW10 7QA. 9.00am.

Our next newsletter editor is Jim Duffy. 

All contributions to the newsletter should be emailed to Jim Duffy

The May, 2024 issue is expected to be out at the beginning of June.

From the October, 2021 edition onwards the newsletter is available on the TAC website https://www.tadworthac.org.uk/ under the ‘news’ tab.

Members with Internet access can download copies of past newsletters in Adobe Acrobat format by going to our members-only website at http://news.tadworth.org.uk.  

The current Committee comprises:

RoleRole Holder

ChairpersonAndrew Morrison
TreasurerAkshay Kumar
General SecretaryAlan Imeson
Running SecretaryDarren Marshall
Communications OfficerJim Duffy
Membership & Recruitment SecretaryNick Hawthorne
Social SecretaryDonna Dove

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